Friday, January 20, 2012

நவ கிரகங்கள் ஒரு பார்வை

Navagraha temples

When planets move from one direction to another it brings about changes in certain people's well being and fortune. By worshipping the planets we get immense benefits. Indian Astrology believes that the planetary positions of nine planets in a geo centric orbit determine the way a person will live, progress and exemplify ones life to others before death. Nava means nine and graha means planet. There are nine temples located in Tamil Nadu representing each planet in the Navagraha. All nine of them are located with in a 65 km radius around our paradise resort in Kumbakonam.

Any human being experiences mixtures of happiness and sorrows, Establishments too have their ups and downs, If we know the planetary positions at the time of commencing a job or enterprise, with its help, we will be able to find out how it will take shape or how we would fare in it.If our horoscope is cast on the basis of the configuration of the planets at the time of our birth, our fotunes over the entire period of our life can be predicted.
Navagraha-the nine planets could give harmony or misery to the individual as per its movements. One has to do shanthis or parikaras; for the particular planet(s) and its lords; such direct appeals to the concerned planets and their lords will give quick and timely results. As we said earlier our resort is centrally located in and around navagraha temples. Special navagraha packages are available at Paradise Resort. Feel free to contact our resort for details.


Suryanar Koil, situated 21 kms from Paradise Resort is built by King Kulothunga Chola I in the year 1100 AD. This temple is dedicated to Sun God Surya who is known as the giver of health, sucess and prosperity. Every year in mid January, the harvest festival is celebrated in thanks giving and to honour, Surya or Sun Surya is the most powerful living God - whom everyone can see, perceive and pray. Though he is visible, he also has been presented in a variety of forms. Lord of this planet is God Siva Surya resides with his wives Chaya and Suvarcha in this holy place. With Surya at the centre, temples of the other Grahas are around Surya

om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae

paasa hastaaya dheemahi

tanno surya: prachodayaat

Tirunageswaram, This vast temple known for its shrine to Rahu, one of the nine celestial bodies in the Navagraha situated 8kms from Paradise Resort. A legend has it that the mythological serpents Adiseshan, Dakshan and Kaarkotakan worshipped Shiva here. Legend also has it that King Nala worshipped Shiva here as in Thirunallar. Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. He is ruled by Goddess Durga. The main deity's name is Nageshwarar and Ambal's name is Girigujambikai. She is decorated as a small girl in the Mornings, as young lady in Noons and as lady in evenings.. Here Ragu resides with his wife and everyday, during Rahu kalam, when Milk is poured over Rahu idol, it miraculously changes to blue colour. People having Ragu dosha come here during Rahu kalam and perform Abishekas

om naakadhwajaaya vidmahae

 padma hastaaya dheemahi

tanno raahu: prachodayaat


Vaitheswaran Koil, With the Vaitheswaran Koil, there is a special shrine dedicated to Ankarakan or Sevvai or Mars. It is situated 55 kms from Paradise Resort. The belief is that if prayers are offered to Ankarakan, he will bestow valour, victory and strength to the person. Upon entering the temple, devotees first go the Siddamrita tank. The water is said to have curative properties for various skin ailments. There ia also a widespread belief that a visit here would remove obstacles that delay marriage. Mars is regarded as a God of martial character, red in every aspect. Even the Romans held him as their Guru. He is the Son of Earth and is ruled by Lord Subramanya. This town is also called as Pull-irukku-Veloor. Jadayu - the eagle who made a gallant attempt to stop. Ravana from proceeding to Lanka with Sita, got relieved of his wings by Ravana, fell down here and eventually got Moksha. Even today we can see the place where Jadayu was cremated - 'Jadayu Kundam'.

Vaidheeswaran koil is a crowd puller for many reasons along with the Angarakan. Vaidyanadha Swamy ( shiva ) is believed to cure illness of the ardent devotees. Lot of people throng here everyday, offer their prayers for regaining their health with the grace of the deity. Ambal is called Valambika alias Thaiyal Nayaki.

Kiruthigai is an auspicious day here with special poojas performed for SelvaMuthuKumara Swamy ( Murugan ). Nayanmars, Arunagiri Nadar, kumaraguruparar, kalamega pulavar have visited this temple and sung in praise of the deity. Separate sanctorum for Angaraka is a speciality out here as you cannot find it elsewhere.

om veeradhwajaaya vidmahae

vighna hastaaya dheemahi

tanno bhouma: prachodayaat

4.Santhiran (Moon)
Thingaloor, Though there is a question about when this temple was built, historians agree that it must have been in existence since before the beginning of the Bhakti period, which was well before the seventh century A.D. Dedicated to the Moon or Chandran in Sanskrit and Thingai in Tamil, a visit to this temple is said to grant a confortable and long lilfe. In astrology, Chandran is the planet that removes stress and sorrow. Chandra or Moon is a lovable God - Pleasing to the children as well as elders, universally appealing to everyone whatever may be the religion. Goddess Parvathi rules the planet. This temple is situated at 30kms from Paradise resort.

om padmadhwajaaya vidmahae

hema rupaaya dheemahi

tanno soma: prachodayaat

5.Sani Bagawan

Thirunallar, 55kms from Paradise resort. is the only temple that is dedicated to Lord Sani Or Saturn. When the Planet Saturn transits between zodiac signs, literally millions throng this shrine. The Legendary King Nala is said to have been relieved of his affictions, which were due to the malefic influence of Saturn, after worships in this temple. Of the numerous tanks theertams, the Nala theertam is the important one. By bathing here, it is belived that one washes off all kinds of misfortune , afflictions and to escape from the woes of sani. Saniswara or Saturn, is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in one's horoscope.A prayer to him, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods. Saniswara is considered equally a bestower of all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. He is ruled by Lord Yama

om kaakadhwajaaya vidmahae

khadga hastaaya dheemahi

tanno mandah: prachodayaat

Kanchanur, 22kms from Paradise resort. This Shiva Sthalam is associated with Sukran or Venus and is maintained by the Madurai Adinam. It is Located in a quite hamlet of Thiruvaaduturai.This Shrine is also referred to as Palaasavanam, Brahmapurai and Agnisthalam. Brahma is said to have had a vision here of Shiva's wedding with Parvati.Men visit to pray for the well being of their wives. Sukra or Venus is the bestower of long life, wealth, happiness, children, property and good education. He is ruled by Goddess Mahalakshmi

om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae

dhanur hastaaya dheemahi

tanno shukra: prachodayaat


Keezhperumpallam, 57kms from Paradise resort, is an ancient Shaivite temple and legend has it that Kethu, the other planetary node of the nine celestial bodies worshipped Shiva here. Rahu and Kethu are associated with legend of the serpent that helped Lord Shiva churn the milky ocean. There is a Shrine dedicated to Kethu in this temple. Ketu brings prosperity to the devotee's family. He grants good health, wealth, cattle and all round prosperity. He is ruled by Lord Ganesha and Indra. . Those who are affected by Kethu dosha come here for rectification.

om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae

soola hastaaya dheemahi

tanno ketu: prachodayaat


Alangudi, 19kms from Paradise resort. is regarded as a Guru Sthalam or Jupiter where Lord Dakshinamurthy is held in great revernce. The Shrine attracts a large number of devotees when Jupiter transits between zodiac signs. Parvathi, the consort of Lord Shiva, is said to have been reborn on the banks of the Amrita Pushkarini within the temple precincts before being reunited with siva. He results in a cure from ailments and helps one to ward off his/her sins and gives strength, valour, longevity, etc. He grants the boon of fatherhood to the childless, good education (Vidya). The speciality here is that Lord Guru is engraved on the wall and is not in the form of separate idol reunited with Shiva.

om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae

kruni hastaaya dheemahi

tanno guru: prachodayaat

Thiruvenkadu, is 60kms from Paradise resort.There is a reference to this temple in Valmiki's Ramayana. Therefore it is said that the oldest part of the temple is more than 3000 years old. Dedicated to Budhan or Mercury this temple in Thiruvenkadu makes up the last of the Navagraha Temples. Budhan is said to bestow wisdom and intellect. Budha or Mercury is considered as the greatest among the wise. This Devata bestows wisdom and wealth on his devotees. He is ruled by Lord Maha Vishnu. This temple is referred in 'Saiva Thirumurais' and Sastras. This place is similar to Kasi with all the Snana Ghats. One can do all the karmas here, that is supposed to be done in kasi. We can find a separate sanctum sanctorum for bhudan. Bhudan holds the portfolio of Education and Arts and it is the next popular place students prefer to go after Tuition centers.

om gajadhwajaaya vidmahae

sukha hastaaya dheemahi

tanno budha: prachodayaat

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